Healthy People. Healthy Families. Healthy Community.


Flu shot is in

Medical Update

Just in, the flu shot is in!! Schedule a nurse only appointment to get it. You may have noticed the pharmacies are telling you to come in for an appointment for refills of chronic medications. We are encouraging this because with the transition to ATHENA we have noticed a large number of patients are on autopilot with their meds and not coming in to be seen and monitored for their chronic conditions. If you are one of these people, please make an appointment and get seen. We are doing this because we care about you and your health. Also, please have either a list of your medications or the medications themselves with you at all appointments. This will help to make sure we have the correct list of your medications, especially if you see specialists who prescribe you meds as well. And lastly, no-shows and late arrivals continue to be an issue. Please try to be on time for your appointments and if you are not going to be able to make an appointment please call and cancel so that we can offer it to someone else.

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